My Next Move

Hello! Right now I am just sitting on the couch think about I should do for my workout later. Should I go outside or stay inside? The thing is I don't have a gym membership, I always workout at home. I have a lot of space in my living room so I don't see any need to get a gym membership. Plus I like the exercises that I do. I like my yoga and everything I can do in my living room. I don't want to take classes with a bunch of other people. But if I did have a gym membership I'd probably take spinning classes and barre classes.

I was thinking about start playing tennis. It's an over all good workout. Plus my favorite thing about is that it's a good general cardio workout. Or maybe badminton. Yeah, because I remember it being very fun when I used to play in school when I was younger. I always wanted to start playing it for real but that never happened. I don't think that I ever expressed that I wanted to either. I think that I wanted it like you want that shirt in the store window. It's really pretty but you're not sure if it's really you. Do know what I mean? Eh, we'll see what I'll do. Picking up a sport could be fun!

your writer, Erika


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